Your ATTN Please | Thursday, 31 October

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If you grew up in the 90s or 00s…

MTV was probably a big part of your after-school routine.

It was where you went to find out what was trending, not just in the world of music, but in pop culture as a whole. So how did MTV go from the epitome of cool to the place where reality TV shows go to die? Well, the brand made 1 fatal mistake…

In today's newsletter:

  • How MTV became culturally irrelevant (find out what error led to its demise)

  • 3 Tips to help you (finally) start posting consistently (you can do it!!)

  • Trend plug - Happy as a cat on a sofa

  • Ask the Editor - Should I be using hashtags on my videos?

- Charlotte, Editor ♡

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How MTV Became Culturally Irrelevant

MTV was once a cultural icon, but has now become a brand in decline. Why? Because it lost sight of its core identity, chasing trends rather than staying true to what it became known as—Music Television.

In the 80s, MTV revolutionized the music industry.

In the 90s and 2000s, it was the epitome of cool.

In 2024, the cable network station could be likened to your millennial aunt who’s stuck in a noughties time loop and can’t quite let go of her fading youth.

Or the Steve Buscemi 'How do you do, fellow kids?' meme.

MTV used to be a tastemaker, dictating trends and attitudes in fashion, music and youth culture.

Its influence was so powerful, the ‘MTV effect’ was felt not only in the music industry, but even in the worlds of art and advertising.

So, how did the juggernaut of culture wither away into cultural irrelevancy?

Unfortunately, the downfall of MTV is a tale as old as time. When a brand loses sight of its roots and struggles to keep up with the zeitgeist, it pays the ultimate price. It’s a story not unfamiliar to the fate of many brands, which is why we should pay attention.

So what exactly led to MTV's demise? And what can we do to make sure we don't suffer the same fate?

-Sophie, Writer

3 Tips to Help You (finally) Start Posting Consistently


One of the biggest challenges of growing an audience is putting out content on a regular basis. To avoid the overwhelm of daily content creation, develop an easy-to-replicate content style, create in bulk and use a scheduling tool so you can ‘set and forget’.

‘How am I supposed to create and post content EVERY DAY?’

This is the #1 question you, our readers, ask us.

And we get it.

Coming up with ideas and keeping to a posting schedule is not easy.

And, unfortunately, posting content tends to be one of the first things to drop off the to-do list when we’re busy.

But we know the platforms reward accounts that post consistently.

So if you want to grow your audience, you have to figure out how to get that content out there, even when you don’t feel like it!

The secret is creating in bulk rather than trying to make content every single day.

We asked our in-house content strategist Jony Lee (@jonymlee) for her advice on how to batch create your content (and stick to your posting schedule!). She's helped us put together a few ideas for you. So let’s dive into…

3 tips for making amazing bulk content:

1. Carve out your time

Before making a content creation plan, you need to understand the time you've got to work with. Because if you start by putting unrealistic expectations on yourself, that’s not going to end well.

-Devin, Copywriter

Trend Plug - Happy as a Cat on a Sofa

This super early trend comes from the critically acclaimed artist Martin Leman. 

His 'Cat in Sofa' painting has grabbed TikTok's algorithm by storm. When paired with the sound of 'Dirty Cash (Money Talks)' it's become a fun, simple trend ANYBODY can hop on.

TikTokers have taken this image and interpreted it how most would; a cat sort of just laying there chilling with a cigarette in hand, seemingly with no worries in sight. Creators are using this to describe certain situations where they feel just like that cat.

How you can jump on this trend:

Simply grab this photo. Use OST to talk about a scenario where you'd be sitting like the cat, relaxed with not a single worry in the world. Don't forget to post it with this sound!

A few ideas to get you started:

  • How I sit knowing my clients love my work

  • Me when my clients go for the upsell

  • When I realise I've got 40 mins left on my lunch break

-Abdel, Social Media Coordinator

Today on the YAP podcast…

Ask the Editor

Q - Should I use hashtags on my content and, if so, how many should I use? -Laura

Hey Laura!

Hashtags can be a great way for the platforms to categorise your content. However, these days, there are other ways the algorithm can do this beyond hashtags. A few of these are:

  • SEO: If you're using on-screen text or captions, the platforms can pick up on what your content is about by the words you use.

  • AI: Short-form video platforms can use AI to interpret what visuals are in your videos. This helps them categorise your content based on what it's about.

  • Who interacts with your content: People tend to engage with similar types of content. So if people who love cat videos are commenting on your video, this helps the algorithm understand who else it should show your video to.

Now if you're just starting to post, hashtags may help you find your niche faster. But if you don't use them correctly, the algorithm will think you're putting out 'bad' content because it doesn't align with the hashtags you're using.

So proceed with care!

- Charlotte, Editor ♡

For the group chat

😲WTF: Cuba’s power grid COLLAPSED… for TWO WEEKS!
😂Yap’s funniest home videos: me in the future
Daily inspo: the steps to success
🍝What you should make for dinner tonight: Emergency Tuna Pasta Bake 😋 

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